Sustainability and Environmental Stewardship

CRLT Environmental Stewardship Commitment

The CRLT Program believes that the protection of the environment and modeling of sustainable practices is an essential component of education. Integrating these sound environmental practices within recreation courses and program operations will lead to the development of a responsible environmental ethic in both faculty and students. Our ultimate goal is to contribute to a healthy and diverse natural environment.

The CRLT Program strives to:

  • Purchase products that are the least harmful to the environment
  • Recycle, reuse or reduce classroom materials as much as possible
  • Practice the use of cross-curricular environmental topics and projects
  • Promote outdoor education and class field trips
  • Make efforts to discuss and review current environmental issues
  • Provide the appropriate environmental learning resources to students
  • Consider the environmental impact of program activities, decisions and operations
  • Work with agencies that support environmentally sound practices and model environmental leadership

Environmental Service Learning

In the fourth term, CRLT students have the opportunity to implement an environmental service-learning project. Students learn about the program design process through the development of a group project to designed to educate others and reconnect Nature, People and Community.

Nature Learning with Special Needs Clients
Program Design 1 W22 – Sharing Nature and Gardening with special needs students at the ACCESS program.



Sharing sustainable cooking with Seniors
Program Design 1 W22- Sharing sustainable cooking practices with seniors from the Teapot.
Sharing Sustainable Practices with Elementary Students
Program Design 1 W22 – 
Sharing sustainable practices through Recycling with students from John Caboto Academy
Improving Waste Sorting practices at ÌìÃÀÉçÇø
Program Design 1 W22 – Educating the ÌìÃÀÉçÇø community about effective garbage sorting through class visits and a poster campaign. 


Last Modified: May 25, 2023