Student Work

First Year

Second Year

Third Year

5th Semester Paint Drop Simulations 2024

Student’s were tasked with creating a simulation of paint drops being placed on a watery surface, where the paint was immiscible. The simulation aims to shows how the paint would marble and interact on the surface. The algorithm behind the patterns and paint drop interaction was coded by the students along with the user interface and visual representation. The project was coded in using the framework.

Dmitriy Kim

Andrew Rokakis

Bianca Rossetti

5th Semester Web Development: Optimizing Web Performance for a Large Data Visualization 2024

Each group chose a large data set, created a REST API for it in Express and used React to build an interactive visualization. Groups used a variety of tools to measure performance and chose appropriate optimizations to implement on the client and server. They were then deployed to a free Render instance (pardon the slow load times).

Andrew Rokakis, Axel Brochu, & Hai Hoang Do

Dmitriy Kim, Tony Do, & Michelle Banh

Mohamed Aljak, Vinh Hoang, & Samin Ahmed

Last Modified: December 30, 2024